B2B Industrial

Geofence Advertising Case Study

The Problem

The advertiser had a niche target audience of only about 400 companies that buy their products, and they want to get more and warmer sales conversations with these companies.

The Summary

In 2022, this B2B industrial company ran geofence display and video campaigns targeting the offices of the companies they wanted to get in front of. The geofence technology reached their audience on their smartphones, computers, tablets, and televisions at the office, at home, and elsewhere. Because their audience was so specific and their average sale was so large, their ROI was off the chart.

The Data

Increase in sales calls
Return on Investment
Clicks to Website
Impressions (Times their ad was seen)
b2b industrial geofencing photo for qujam

Check Out More Case Studies

See how other companies have successfully leveraged geofence advertising.