How to run an Addressable Geofencing Campaign  

How to's, tips, and some practices.

Qujam makes it easy to run an Addressable Geofencing campaign. Compared to traditional Geofencing, addressable campaigns are more precise for targeting residential areas. Users are free to upload lists of anywhere between 50 to 1 million addresses, without needing to draw their geofences.

Video Walkthrough

In this video, we'll go over some best practices, general information, and how-to tips when launching an addressable geofencing campaig.. Including how to upload your spreadsheet, their requirements and how to set your campaign to live.

How to set up an Addressable campaign.

  • Launch a new campaign on your dashboard and select the Addressable icon :
    • To set up an Addressable Geofencing campaign you must first select your Campaign name, organization and then what type of ads you want to serve. Once you are on the "How do you want to select your targets" screen, click on the Addressable icon near the bottom.
  • Make sure you are utilizing the correct template: 
    • Once you are on the Upload Addresses page, click on the "our CSV template" in blue. This will download the required template to run a campaign. All campaigns must upload lists in this format in order to run. 
    • Address, City, State and Zip are required to run a campaign, while including the latitude and longitude can help ensure the more precise results, campaigns can run without them.
    • Lists not in the correct format will fail to upload.
    • Lists must have a minimum of 50 matched addresses and can support up to 1 million.
  • Upload your ads, complete your daily spend and draw your conversion zones if applicable.  
  • Allow your address list to process and launch your campaign!
    • Once you have uploaded your file it can take a few minutes to process depending on how many addresses you upload. You are free to exit Qujam at this time and the upload will continue in the background. However, once your list is done processing you must still go back launch your campaign.
    • Once your campaign is done processing, you will recieve and email alerting you that it is finished and your campaign is ready to launch.


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