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Why having a variety of Ad Sizes will enhance your Geofence Advertising campaign

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    May 22, 2024 / Uncategorized

When it comes to uploading your ads to your Geofence Advertising campaign, the more the better. For maximum exposure across all domains and device, we recommend uploading each one of the eight sizes on our Ad Specs page.

Why do I need to upload all the ad sizes?

When you geofence an area, Qujam uses GPS technology to ad your device to a list to target. Thanks to cross-device matching, laptops, tablets and even TVs that are connected to those devices can also be targeted. These devices are all different sizes, so uploading a variety of sizes help ensures it can be shown on all devices. Each website also has a variety of different sized ads depending on where it is located on the page. Having multiple sizes ensures you are covered across the board.

What happens if I don’t upload all the ad sizes?

If you don’t upload all of the ad sizes, your ads will not get the maximum impressions. For example, If you only upload an ad that is 320×50, but a website only has inventory space for 300×250, your ad will not run. By not uploading all sizes, you may miss out on opportunities to optimize for better performance metrics like click-through rates (CTR) and conversions. Your ads may not appear as frequently as they could if they were available in all required sizes. This means less visibility for your brand or message.

Why do we recommend the 8 ad sizes that we do? 

The ad sizes listed on the website are recommended because they are the most commonly used sizes. We’ve found that these sizes get the most impressions based on past results. It is recommended that you have most of your ads in the following sizes,  320×50, 300×250, 728×90, 160×600, 300×50, 320×480, 300×600, and 468×60. There are also 20 other ad sizes that are listed that are used less frequently. The more ad sizes you upload, the more impressions your campaign will reach so feel free to upload extra ad sizes as well as the 8 most common. Typically, less common ad sizes have a cheaper winning bid when charging for impressions, meaning a variety of sizes will help lower the cost of your campaign.

Importance of using different creative

It is important that you use different creative for different sizes. Users may become unengaged if they see the same ad repeatedly, leading to a decline in effectiveness. While using different creative for different sizes is important, maintaining brand consistency across all ads is equally crucial. Regardless of size or platform, your ads should reflect your brand identity and messaging cohesively. To keep your campaign’s audience and engaged, we recommend swapping out your ads every few months. You can do this while your campaign is still running and will reach the same audience

Do you want to begin your campaign but don’t want to make the ads yourself? We have special pricing for Qujam users. Users will get a custom ad set with all eight sizes that are most common across all platforms.

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