
How to Elevate Your Advertising Efforts With Addressable Geofencing

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    May 29, 2024 / Uncategorized

Geofencing Advertising is one of the most innovative approaches to put your message in front of the right people. By using location-targeting GPS technology, businesses can put their message right in front of their audience based on the locations that they have been. This has never been easier with Qujam’s unique do it yourself approach that gives its users a truly self-serve geofence advertising platform. 

Addressable Geofencing takes the same approach as traditional geofencing, and makes it even more precise. Instead of drawing a shape on a map and hoping the right audience will enter your geofence, addressable geofencing allows you to target potential customers right at their home addresses. 

How Does Addressable Geofencing work?

Unlike traditional geofencing where a user needs to spend time to set up their geofences on a map, addressable geofencing allows you to simply upload a spreadsheet. This allows anybody that has third party data or other address lists to target its audience directly. In order to run an addressable geofence campaign, all you need is the address, state and zip code. Any device with GPS technology can be targeted by an addressable campaign, and with cross device matching, devices like TVs and tablets that are connected to a phone can be targeted as well.

Requirements for an addressable geofencing campaign.

Even though Addressable Geofencing is straightforward and easy, there are a few things in mind when compiling your list for your campaign. These include:

  • Your spreadsheet must have a minimum of 50 matched addresses, and can support up to 1 million.
  • Each address must include address, zip, state and optionally longitude and latitude.
  • The addresses must be located in the United States.

It’s that easy. For more information on how to set up your first addressable geofencing advertising campaign. Please visit our page here.

When to use an Addressable Geofencing Campaign compared to Traditional Geofencing.

Addressable geofencing is a powerful tool in its own right, but it is important to understand its uses compared to traditional geofencing in order to maximize your campaign. Traditional geofences are best used for targeting places of business or other public places over a long period of time. This can include your business competitors, your own location and other key areas where people congregate. Traditional geofencing is great for serving impressions to new people that may be interested in your product or services.

On the other hand, Addressable geofencing can be comparable to a super charged mailing list. It is best used when you know who your potential audience is, and you want to keep them engaged. This is helpful for getting the word out on promotions, revving up a political campaign or targeting certain demographics based on their neighborhood. For example, a luxury car dealership can utilize addressable geofencing by uploading a list of addresses from affluent neighborhoods in your area. 

Ready to take the first step to maximize your advertising efforts with your first addressable geofencing campaign? Sign up for Qujam today for free, and only pay once your campaign starts generating impressions.

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